The Cross Awaits Thee — Cruciformity 1.5

Geoff McGannon
1 min readMay 25, 2020

There is a cross waiting for thee,

Its promise is to set you free.

Its payment is your life but it is free,

You see my friends its been won for you

Won by the victorious He,

Won for you by Christ the King.

He rules like none you see, a roaring lion in Christ the King.

He is meek and humble, a sheep to slaughter.

He roars from death as he breaths his last,

That in this death is victory.

It is here, it is here there is victory,

Peace, life, or freedom.

All, all present within he.

In his death in the greatest of irony.

To this death he invites us to taste,

Death for life is all it will take.

Will you come, will you come,

He offers his life if you will come upon.

Pick up this cross, this cross he bore,

To find your freedom feel it’s grain

To find your freedom embrace the pain,

Allow your gentle shepherd to lead you

In loosing all you will find the all we seek,

Life in God, true life abounding you will see.

Come my friends, come and die

And you will see the victory of Christ the King.

This death, this death I say will free you,

Free you from the striving and doubt,

Come to me, come to me

Let your striving cease.

Come join with me in this sweet release

For in your death you will find my peace.



Geoff McGannon

I am a wonderer. I think God is whispering to us in every moment. I want to help others listen to that voice. Large or small, I hope to aid that for you. G&P